Also started implementing some of the moves available. Here's the structure for that:
data Tableau_Location = Tableau_Location { t_col :: Int, t_row :: Int }
deriving Show
data Spider_Move =
Regular_Spider_Move {
sm_from :: Tableau_Location,
sm_to :: Tableau_Location,
sm_revealed :: Maybe Tableau_Location, -- Card revealed, by
-- the move, if any.
sm_count :: Int -- number of cards moved
To_Foundation_Move {
sm_from :: Tableau_Location,
sm_revealed :: Maybe Tableau_Location -- Card revealed, by
-- the move, if any.
deriving Show
I'd like to think of a better way to represent the move locations other than integers. Not that it can't be made to work, but using integers seems a little clunky with lists. I'm thinking of changing the tableau to be an array of lists instead.
I haven't actually written the code yet to do the regular game moves, but I can tell it is also going to be a bit clunky.
I should come clean here a little bit... There was a previous version of all this that I wrote in Common Lisp. I only got so far as allowing a human to play the game, there was no solving or AI implemented.
So in part, I've been just re-writing that CL version in Haskell.
However, part of the problem I ran into with that version is that I would have had to do major re-work in order to start implementing the AI. The CL version was written in a very imperative style, and I didn't keep around the old board after making a move. That made writing the undo logic a bit interesting, but I got that working OK.
So anyway, we'll need to keep a more functional style anyway. We're going to have a massive tree of possible moves to keep track of, because there are usually a few possible moves for a given position. The trick, of course, is pruning the branches that will be unproductive.
I think, if I'm doing things right, however, that we'll not be duplicating the card structures except for the ones we're modifying (turning face up, for example). And in a normal spider move, 8 of the 10 columns won't change, so that'll save some memory too.